
Tempo di lettura/Reading Time: < 1 minute

Healthy Lifestyle Promoter
Food and fashion Lover
Cinema and TV series addict
Nighttime reader.

Hi, I’m Rox!

I’m Rossella Friggione, but you can call me Rox.
I was born in Trani in 1990, under the sign of Capricorn.  I am avid night reader and I love painting, photography and cooking. With a past as a volleyball player, I now prefer running to fight panda laziness. For several years I lived in Bari and after a Bachelor Degree in Arts at the Bari University and with a job as a recruiter for a commercial company, in 2017 I move to the province, in Bitetto, to live with my Better Half. In 2019, aware that writing is my only creed, I moved to Turin to attend the Scuola Holden, where in 2021, I got a diploma in Contemporary Humanities. In 2020 with my Better Half we moved to the province of Caserta.
I attend the Guglielmo Marconi University to get a master’s degree in Modern Philology and Literature. I am a storyteller and a content creator.

Caramel Candy

This site was born in 2012, while I was making pies in the kitchen, but I write on the internet long before, I had a blog on MSN.
Here’s everything I love, my passions, you know what I am.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to collaborate with several companies including De’Longhi, I Love Italian Food, Montadella Bologna IGP, Cirio, Fabbri 1905, etc.

Without saying too much, you can have a look to my LinkedIn profile

Look at the world from my perspective and follow my social media.

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