Banana peppers stuffed with ricotta

The banana peppers filled with ricotta are
Tempo di lettura/Reading Time: < 1 minute


– Ingredients –

  • 3 large banana peppersB
  • 300g ricotta
  • basil
  • 2 egg whites
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil

In a bowl mix the ricotta with 2 egg whites.  Add 2 pinches of salt, and the basil, previously washed and chopped.

Rinse the peppers, cut and remove the part of the stem.

Fill the peppers with the mixture already prepared, making sure to fill even the tip.

In a pan pour a little olive oil and a bit ‘of salt. Place the peppers. Finally add a little ‘of water into the pan to cook better pepper.

Bake at 250 ° C. When the peppers begin to be cooked at the top turn them.


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