Hamburger with eggplant and oregano

Hamburger with eggplant and oregano: I thought of two types of burgers: one with eggplant and oregano and the other with tomato and pepper mix.
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Hello guys! This is a busy week or rather of projects! I’m really happy to have an agenda! Well, if I had a tenacious memory, it could easily do without, but since it is not, I find it convenient.

I am in fact pursuing new projects that will affect you, but do not want to anticipate anything! Yes, I’m a little bad, I make you mouth water, but do not tell you anything. : mrgreen:

Rest assured with this new recipe!

I actually thought of two types of burgers: one with eggplant and oregano and the other with tomato and pepper mix.


Hamburger with eggplant and oregano


  • 1 kg of minced meat mixed pork-beef
  • 1 medium eggplant
  • dried oregano
  • mix of pepper (white, green, black and red)
  • 1 tomato
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil

Wash the eggplant and remove the stem and the other end. Cut into very small pieces. In a bowl mix the meat with eggplant and oregano. Next, create diskettes.


Wash the tomatoes and cut into very small pieces. In a bowl mix the meat with tomato and pepper after ground. Create diskettes with the mix.


In a pan pour a little oil and cook the burgers over medium heat. Try to turn them once with the help of a spatula.


I would recommend to cook before those with the eggplant and then those with the tomato, because the tomato releases a little sauce. After being cooked, add a pinch of salt and are ready to eat!


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