Bag in the park

Bag in the park: this is my new outfit! Come and find out!
Tempo di lettura/Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello boys and girls! How are you?

The title will be found unusual. Calm, I haven’t lost the bag nor I found one. Simply I shot some photos at the “Park on June 2” in Bari and I want to show you one of my recent purchases!

I was searching for a new black bag and it must be said, a black bag is always useful! Therefore I decided to take this fantastic Naj-Oleari bag. I was amazed by its simplicity that makes it easy to any outfit.

The rest of the outfit is from black to gray with a desaturation growing from down to up, so I paired the black, ribbed and turtleneck dress with this hooded jacket. However, the jacket is sleeveless so I wore a gray jacket in eco-friendly leather. The only bright color is scarf’s orange that I have deliberately recalled with my glossy lipstick by Kiko cosmetics!

Guardate le foto e ditemi cosa ne pensate! Alla fine del post trovate tutti i link utili per scoprire cosa indosso.













BARI, Dicember 2015

Jacket: Zuiki

Sweater and dress: Zara

Collant: Tezenis

Shoes: Martin pescatore

Bag: Naj-Oleari


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