Preparation time:
20 minutes
Cooking time:
1 hour
Cooling time:
half hour
20 people
– Ingredients –
for the chocolate base:
- 250 g flour 00
- 250 g of sugar
- 4 eggs
- 100 g of butter
- 70 g of cocoa
- 16 g of baking powder for cakes
for ice cream:
- 200 ml cream
- 300 ml of milk
- 2 egg yolks
- 150 g of sugar
- vanilla essence
- 230 g of Fabbri black cherries
for the decoration:
- 200 ml cream
- 230 g of Fabbri black cherries
In a bowl beat 4 eggs with 250 g of sugar. In a small saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. After adding the butter to the mixture, then add the flour, cocoa and baking powder last. Butter and flour a baking pan (20-22 cm) and pour the mixture. Cook in the oven for about one hour at 180°C.
Meanwhile, in another bowl beat 2 yolks with 150 g of sugar. Then add the cream, milk and vanilla essence. Insert them into the ice cream maker that has already been prepared for use.
When the cake is ready, the part of the above will be slightly domed. As soon as it has cooled, cut off the top. On the remainder, leaving about 2 inches from the end, draw a circle with a knife, being careful not to go down more in the sweet. Within the circle draw a grid with the knife and slowly remove the cubes created.
Drain black cherries and use the syrup to wet the base of the cake. Pour into the digged cake ice cream and evenly insert some black cherries. Place it in the freezer.
After an half hour, whip 200 ml of cream and cover the cake. Drop on it the cake’s cubes, avoiding the center. Place the cake in the freezer for another half hour. Then pour in the central part of cake the last black cherries and serve the cake.
Post published on 20/07/2014