Hello boys and girls! Did week start well?
I decided to participate again in the recipe exchange organized by Bloggalline. The group isn’t made up of only bloggalline but also bloggallini! This time they matched me to Jacopo Mariutti. His blog “Le Farfalle Nello Stomaco” is nothing short of amazing. There aren’t only recipes, but also items that relate to the world of food in three hundred and sixty degrees. This this apple pie, but I decided to change the type of apples, as the stark apples are not among those that I most adore.
Apple pie
- 2 apples smith
- 2 eggs
- 75 g of ricotta
- 200 g of flour
- 175 g of cane sugar
- 16 g of yeast powder for cakes
- lemon peel
- a pinch of salt
- 75 ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Wash the apples, dry and cut into slices by removing the core.
In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar, then add the ricotta.
Thoroughly rinse a lemon, dry it and grattarne peel in dough.
Below add a pinch of salt, cinnamon, milk and baking powder and flour last.
Butter an 20-22 cm baking pan and cover it with baking paper.
Pour the batter into the pan, add the apples and cook at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes.
Read the original recipe–> http://www.lefarfallenellostomaco.com/2015/10/torta-di-mele-senza-burro.html