Hot pepper sauce

Hot pepper sauce: The recipe is for two people, and I used the sauce to flavor a dish of spaghetti. Try it and tell me if you like!
Tempo di lettura/Reading Time: 2 min

This has been really a bad week. It has been very busy and stressful.

I program everything, including when I brush my teeth! Unfortunately, we can plan all you want, but things do not always go as we want.

My idea is that we must not only remember the happy times, we do not live in a film! And then also in the movies there are the worst parts. The worst times are those that make us understand where we are going wrong, what we need to get going.

The exam which I prepared with so much perseverance and dedication has not gone the way I wanted. There is no one to blame professors or assistants, as many do, but myself. It seems obvious to me that there is something wrong.

I spend much time on the books, but now it seems a waste of time. The more I read, the more I forget. I miss an effective study method that it decrease my time to study and it improve my results. I really hope to resolve this situation. The commitment and determination are there! At least that!  😀 

Now let us devote ourselves to food with this new recipe!

Hot pepper sauce




  • 2 peppers (about 250 g)
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • salt
  • basil
  • 1 tsp chopped hot pepper in oil

Wash and cut the peppers into small pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut these into pieces.

In a saucepan pour plenty of water, peppers and potatoes. Add a pinch of salt and cook for about twenty minutes over medium heat until the potatoes are tender.

Removed the pot from the heat, let cool. Then put everything in a blender, adding the basil, if it is washed and chopped, and the hot pepper.


The recipe is for two people, and I used the sauce to flavor a dish of spaghetti. Try it and tell me if you like! Enjoy your meal!




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